Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Almost a Mommy of Two!!!

Hard to believe Kami's arrival is right around the corner!!! I am just about 38 weeks along! Most of my nesting is finished... we had maternity pictures today... now I just need to pack my bag, and she can come anytime now!!! =) I'm ready to have her! Feeling really tired and heavy and ready to not be pregnant. I do LOVE being pregnant and will miss feeling her move inside of me and seeing her little kicks! But I also can't wait to hold her in my arms!!!

Her name, Kami, is a combination of our mom's names. KA for my mom Kathy and MI for Noah's mom Mi Young. Still working on a middle name... Daddy is suppsoed to be picking it out and won't make a decision! =)

Gavin is so excited to be a big brother. He randomly hugs my belly and says "I love you Kami" and told my belly the other day "Kami, you're my best friend". Too sweet! I can't wait to see him as a big brother!!!
Our lives are about to change forever! But I think I'm ready... I think... ;)