Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christmas Surprise!!!

My brother Eric video taped us opening the box to find out if the baby was a boy or a girl!

Here is our Christmas Morning Surprise! Enjoy!!! =)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's a Girl!!!!!!!!!!!

So I couldn't wait.... Had to go to Sneak Peek Ultrasound and have the Gender Check Ultrasound done the day after my first ultrasound on that Friday, where she couldn't find out what it was!

The lady on Saturday was able to find out what it was and we were still able to do our Christmas morning gift idea =) We opened the box, with great anticipation, with all my family around waiting.... and were so excited to find the little pink outfit inside! =) Needless to say we're beyond happy!!! The whole family is!!! A baby girl!! After all these years of boys in our whole family... I have 4 brothers... Mom has 2 grandsons... Out of 11 grandchildren on my mom's side, there are only 2 girls! So this will be the first girl in 12 years for our family!! =) Will be fun for everyone!!!

Gavin kept saying he wanted a baby sister!! And that's what he's getting! =)

HOORAY FOR PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!