Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Stubborn Baby Number 2! =)

I am 19 weeks pregnant now! Just about halfway! Hard to believe! We had our ultrasound to find out the sex yesterday...but baby just would NOT cooperate! Was sitting indian style the entire time! Never uncrossed the legs for us to get a good look! Was there for an hour and the technician was having me try everything to get it to move...but no luck! We left kinda dissapointed that we wouldn't be able to find out! But I just can't wait... so I paid the money to have another 3d ultrasound today! Wasn't all in 3d, but she was able to figure out the sex for us!!! I, myself, did not find out today though! Since we're so close to Christmas..I wanted to do something a little fun! I took two of the same boxes with me today and one has a girl outfit, one has a boy outfit. The technician found out the sex and marked the box that it is... Then we wrapped the box and we'll open it on Christmas morning with all of my family!!! Can't wait!!! =)