Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weekend Fun

This past weekend brought lots of fun for everyone! Noah and I spent our first overnight trip away alone since before Gavin was born!! We spent the weekend in Burlington, Vermont. It was beautiful! Most of the color was past, but there was still some pretty color left to be seen! The scenery was beautiful! We took some back roads through the Green Mountains on our way home. Made for a longer drive home, but was gorgeous!!

Gavin enjoyed the weekend here at our home with Gramma, Grampa and Uncle Zach! They came up from Delaware to be with him. They all had a great time! Nothing like quality time alone with Gramma and Grampa =) Gavin was so sad when they were leaving... asking "Don't go Gramma!" Awww...

Friday, October 9, 2009

News of the day!

Mommy is due with my little brother or sister on May 19th!!! =) We are so excited!!

Note from Mommy: We are home in Delaware and were able to tell all of our family here last night at my mom's surprise 50th birthday party!!! It was so fun! I put Gavin in this shirt about an hour into the party and let him go show Gramma and Grampa. It took them a bit to understand and to really read the shirt, it was so funny! But once they did, they were so surprised and excited! Everyone was! I am 8 weeks along and have known since Sept. 11th and have had such a hard time keeping this secret!! =) But glad I did and was able to tell everyone in person!

Mom's party went so well!! It was so beautiful! And so many friends and family came! There were around 55 people there! And mom was SO surprised!!! She had NO clue!!! We all had a really great time!