Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Stubborn Baby Number 2! =)

I am 19 weeks pregnant now! Just about halfway! Hard to believe! We had our ultrasound to find out the sex yesterday...but baby just would NOT cooperate! Was sitting indian style the entire time! Never uncrossed the legs for us to get a good look! Was there for an hour and the technician was having me try everything to get it to move...but no luck! We left kinda dissapointed that we wouldn't be able to find out! But I just can't wait... so I paid the money to have another 3d ultrasound today! Wasn't all in 3d, but she was able to figure out the sex for us!!! I, myself, did not find out today though! Since we're so close to Christmas..I wanted to do something a little fun! I took two of the same boxes with me today and one has a girl outfit, one has a boy outfit. The technician found out the sex and marked the box that it is... Then we wrapped the box and we'll open it on Christmas morning with all of my family!!! Can't wait!!! =)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weekend Fun

This past weekend brought lots of fun for everyone! Noah and I spent our first overnight trip away alone since before Gavin was born!! We spent the weekend in Burlington, Vermont. It was beautiful! Most of the color was past, but there was still some pretty color left to be seen! The scenery was beautiful! We took some back roads through the Green Mountains on our way home. Made for a longer drive home, but was gorgeous!!

Gavin enjoyed the weekend here at our home with Gramma, Grampa and Uncle Zach! They came up from Delaware to be with him. They all had a great time! Nothing like quality time alone with Gramma and Grampa =) Gavin was so sad when they were leaving... asking "Don't go Gramma!" Awww...

Friday, October 9, 2009

News of the day!

Mommy is due with my little brother or sister on May 19th!!! =) We are so excited!!

Note from Mommy: We are home in Delaware and were able to tell all of our family here last night at my mom's surprise 50th birthday party!!! It was so fun! I put Gavin in this shirt about an hour into the party and let him go show Gramma and Grampa. It took them a bit to understand and to really read the shirt, it was so funny! But once they did, they were so surprised and excited! Everyone was! I am 8 weeks along and have known since Sept. 11th and have had such a hard time keeping this secret!! =) But glad I did and was able to tell everyone in person!

Mom's party went so well!! It was so beautiful! And so many friends and family came! There were around 55 people there! And mom was SO surprised!!! She had NO clue!!! We all had a really great time!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Growing Up!

Big milestone for Gavin! I woke up this past Monday to him saying in the monitor "Mommy! My pee pee's coming! Mommy!" So I went to get him from bed and he had stayed dry ALL night! And then went in the potty when I got him up!!! This is HUGE! We actually have not been working on training really at all yet. He did this ALL on his own!!! And everyday since Monday, he's been in underwear and doing SO WELL!!!! Even going out of the house in underwear! They say "when they're ready, they're ready!"... I can attest to the fact that this is true!! =) GO GAVIN!!!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fun in Delaware!

Gavin and I have been in Delaware for a little over a week now and have had the best time! My time is running out and I have so much still I want to do... But daddy misses Gavin, so I guess we must go home soon....
Our second day here we went to Washington, DC to the National Zoo! Gramma, Grampa, all of Gavin's Uncles, Auntie Alissa and cousin Talan went. Gavin rode a subway for the first time going to the zoo! He thought it was the coolest thing! =) We saw all sorts of animals at the zoo... Elephants, Gorillas, Hippos, a Kimodo Dragon, Pandas, a Lion (who so kindly kept roaring really loudly for us), a Tiger, all sorts of ocean life and insects.. You name it... We saw it! What a fun trip!!! Been a while since Mommy has been there! Was nice to go back with Gavin!

We've enjoyed Mom and Dad's pool so much this visit! The weather has been beautiful!! With one day being an exception, it rained the day we planned to go to Pea Patch Island. =( Gavin has been swimming good with his vest and floaties! He loves to swim!!! It's been nice not having to hold him the whole time this year in the pool!
After having breakfast with Uncle Eric and Uncle Josh at their work at Burger King, we spent the whole morning with my grandparents yesterday. Mommom and Poppop Paris. We played at their house... Gavin got to sit on Poppop's tractor... they showed him their big motor home and Gavin sat at the wheel the whole time "driving to Florida" he said! (That's where Mommom and Poppop go in it!) Then we all went to lunch at Applebees and on our way home, went to the racetrack (Dover Downs) to see Monster Miles! Took Gavin a little bit to warm up to it and actually go closer. But he ended up liking him! We went back to Mommom and Poppop's and ate a cupcake then Poppop let Gavin drive his Golf Cart! Needless to say Gavin was in all his glory! And was quite disappointed when the battery died! =(
We spent the day today at the beach! Rehobeth Beach, DE We had such a fun time! Of course Gavin had a blast playing in the dirt.. I admit.. Mommy did too!! =) We dug holes and burried our feet and made sandcastles. He loved jumping (and running from) the waves! And by the end, he was even asking to swim in the waves and he went out far with me and swam in the deep water... Until a GIANT wave came and Mommy wiped out! I did what any mommy would do and did all I could to keep Gavin above water... even though that meant cutting up my knees and feet doing so! =( Needless to say... Gavin was scared to go back out to swim after that! Oh mommy! But it was good timing because by then, Uncle Eric, Uncle Josh and Uncle Zach were bored and ready to go up to the boardwalk... So we did... Even though mommy didn't want to leave the beach... Gavin had a blast at Funland on the Boardwalk... He rode one ride OVER and OVER! Probably 7 times... He rode each of the vehicles on the ride at least once I do know. He loved the trucks and the swings and the firetrucks! After a ride with mommy on the carousel we headed to Grotto's Pizza with everyone for dinner before we left! Mmmm....Mmmm...Good!!! A beach trip is not a beach trip without a piece of Grotto's Pizza! =) On our way out, Mommy had to have some cotton candy! Gavin enjoyed some too. He held it and said "this isn't a blanky!" Didn't take him long to learn he loved it! He fell asleep in his stroller on our walk back to the car and slept on the way home. Little man had a fun busy day!!!
I have a bridal shower to go to tomorrow for my good friend Courtney. Then on Monday, Gavin, Zach and I are going to see my Mommom Sally and Aunt Kim and cousins Emily and Jake in Maryland. We get to see Aunt Kim and Uncle Eddie's new house!! =)
It's been a busy, relaxing trip but it will be nice to go home and see Daddy on Tuesday........ or Wednesday........... or Thursday........

Friday, July 31, 2009

First Blog

Welcome to our blog! This is my first time blogging... I figured since my website is no longer working (not even sure why...) this would be a good (and free) way to keep family and friends up to date with our life!

We are staying busy with our fun loving two and a half year old! He is ALL BOY! Trucks, Cars, Trains...these keep him busy 24/7! Gavin is a very determined young man! And has quite the personality! He loves reading books with Mommy and Daddy and loves his new big boy bike!

I will try to keep this updated often! Keep checking back for more news and tidbits from the Billger life!